gabriel! ♡





heat of the moment - asia

hello, i'm gabriel!! welcome to my silly little corner of the internet ^^

just a little bit about the website: i got into coding because of my boyfriend sam, who started doing things on neocities fairly recently too!! honestly, i originally got into it too cause i thought it'd be a nice hobby for us to share - and admittedly, i was hoping i'd impress him ^^" (speaking of sammy, he's making his website from scratch right now after only a few months of learning to code, and i'm very proud of him!!! you should check his page out, especially once it's done- i have him linked below!!) somehow, as frustrating as html can be, it became a genuine passion of mine after i actually got started. i'm still not very confident in my coding abilities, so the actual code for this page is the incredibly messy result of a few different templates i've found, inspiration from other sites, and a very strong urge to break my computer /j
i'm probably gonna mess around with this page a lot, it's still a bit of a wip- but it's the first time i've been completely content with a layout, so hopefully this theme is here to stay!!

more info about me and some of my other pages are linked in the navigation, located in those heart tabs!

friends / favorite sites

samshine! <3
my boyfriend, sammy!! ♡

gabriel! <3